What I Notice

I notice windows. All the time, everywhere. I associate windows with buildings. Houses, apartments, office buildings. How big are the windows? How small? How old, how new, how intricate? I notice all of these things. And I can put it to name with the building.

The window above, for instance, is older. It’s classic, rectangular with a two by three frame. The type of window a kid would draw if drawing something like a haunted mansion. It looks out and in, no drapes. Nothing to hide the view. It’s probably higher up in the house it’s in, because most people’s lower window isn’t so tall and rectangular. It probably sits up higher near the roof, with a wide, expansive view.

Question: What do you notice? What do you see, smell, hear? What do you think about when you see a specific thing? Comment below answering this question.

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