Window or Mirror?

Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this post I am going to be talking about windows or mirrors.

First off, what is a window and what is a mirror? You may be thinking of the window that you see on a building, or a mirror that you find in a bathroom. This is a good interpretation, but not quite the one I’m talking about. A window or mirror refers to a book. Is the book you’re reading a window into another world, or is a mirror, reflecting back your own life?

For me, the books that I’m reading (Keeper of the Lost Cities series) is a mirror and a window. It’s more window than mirror; it’s an incredible fantasy book that has aspects and things I’ve never heard of before. But sometimes I catch glimmers of things that I’ve felt in my own life. I’ve had moments over the course of my life where I’ve felt nervous and scared, like the character, or where I’ve felt confident in what I’m doing, like the character. Or when I’ve just had a conflict with my friends and I need to fix it. Or when there’s a problem that needs solving and there’s that ice cold determination to fix it deep inside of me. These are the things that make it a mirror sometimes.

So, in the comments, respond to this question: Is your book a window or mirror? Why?

Thank you!


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